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Elevating Power: Advancing Steam Turbine Technology for Reliability and Performance

Amidst escalating demands on steam turbine drivetrain operators within Utilities and Captive power plants, there exists a growing imperative to produce more power, adapt to changes in the electricity grid, and ensure energy security.

However, these conditions exert heightened stress on machinery, elevating the potential for wear and tear or operational outages.

Operators must swiftly and effectively recognise the key pain points of steam turbines and generators, then deliver practical solutions to run smooth operations and minimise revenue impact. Strategies that can go a long way in improving turbine and generator conditions are monitoring clearances during overhauls, ensuring steam quality, and advanced anti-erosion coatings.

This dialogue, addressing challenges and their corresponding solutions, transpired in Asian Power and Sulzer’s webinar, “Elevating Power: Advancing Steam Turbine Technology for Reliability and Performance,” last 22 November 2023. Participants gained crucial insights from Sulzer experts on enhancing steam turbine reliability, extending equipment lifecycles, and implementing effective repair and maintenance practices. The webinar also delved into strategies and case studies that showcase Sulzer's expertise in addressing turbine and generator issues.


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